Help Hold Allina Accountable

Have you received a surprise medical bill, or felt firsthand the impact of understaffing? Did Allina take part of your tax refund?* Do you have a procedure coming up where you are concerned you may be understaffed or overcharged? Write and share how you see Allina executives putting profits before patients.  

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Patient care should be a hospital’s first priority. Share how Allina is prioritizing profits over patients on your social media pages. It’s time for Allina to be held accountable.


*Minnesota is only one of two states that seizes individual tax refunds on behalf of private healthcare companies like Allina. Healthcare companies do not need a court judgement or order before using this service. The State of Minnesota earns a $15 fee for every collection and does not verify the validity of the claim before seizing a refund.[1]

[1] Marissa Evans, “State Takes Minnesotans’ Tax Refunds for Debts Owed to Hospitals,” Star Tribune, December 11, 2020,